marine education for local elementary school kids!
today marine education for local elementary school kids!
Learning the connection between the ocean and ourselves We’ve been doing learning lessons of the sea!
Learning the importance of the sea through “fun of the sea” by making full use of the fields of our diving shop
Taking a connection, taking videos, pictures and various tricks with topics where children are more interested
How do the creatures of the sea in the coral are connected? And how are we and the sea connected? Time for such lectures in the sea. . .
The curious appearance in the new world with the eyes of the children shining was funny and impressive
In the course of learning children raised questions as new discoveries and doubts as to the voices of questions
“What if we do not have coral?” “I understood that we have a very important balance that can not keep balance even if it is taken over.”
“I knew for the first time about the coral whitening phenomenon I want to study more!” “I became fond of the sea! I knew that various kinds of creatures are living in a fun place” that surrounds themselves It seems that I could feel the sea again
When the coral jigsaw puzzle was completed with great excitement, I was able to answer the question one by one after seeing the connection of the completed picture! Everyone is a good head ~!
Very exciting and I had a very meaningful and fun time
Even during the holidays the children barely found a long line looking for the sign of the coral man lol “Let me sign you!” Next let’s go inside the ocean ^ ^!
It was a day I was able to feel various big “ties” ^ ^!
I think that it would be great if the children of Okinawa could feel their seas as close as possible but could raise awareness
Next let’s go into the ocean and feel the connection of real living things ^ ^!